by Jaimie Reeves | Aug 9, 2021 | Homeowners
Whether you’re hiring a contractor to complete a home repair or want to make a home improvement, hiring the right contractor can be a tough decision. You may be faced with the following questions: What if the project isn’t completed properly? What if...
by Jaimie Reeves | Aug 2, 2021 | Legal
If you’ve lived in Florida long enough, you’ve probably seen a dozen injury attorney billboards asking if you’ve been injured in an auto accident. The billboard most likely has some catchy phrase that allows you to easily remember their phone number with...
by Jaimie Reeves | May 20, 2020 | General
While getting a license can be an exciting time for teenagers, it can understandably be a nerve-racking time for parents. Teenage drivers lack the judgement skills that come from being an experienced driver. In fact, lack of experience is the leading cause of crash...